Eco-Friendly Spring Cleaning Checklist

It's getting warmer which means that folks will be starting or may have already started spring cleaning. This means scrubbing, cleaning, and decluttering every room in your home.

Unfortunately, it also means all the things you don't use (or have used up) will go into a pile likely destined for the landfill. Let's stop that cycle! 

To help you get started here is an easy spring cleaning checklist to follow. Make sure you read to the end to find some easy recommendations to help you conscientiously go about your spring cleaning.


Get Prepared

Before you get cleaning, take stock of your cleaning supplies (you don’t want to get started just to lose momentum by running out of cleaners!). Here are some things you’ll definitely need before you get started:

o All purpose cleaner (we love the natural formula of this cleaner)

o Disinfectant

o Cleaning cloths (we love these cleaning cloths from Pretty Clean)

o A bucket

o Broom and vacuum

o A brush for scrubbing

We love using sustainable, natural cleaners (check out some of our favourite natural cleaning products here!). Just make sure you don’t waste what you already have at home. Use up your cleaners, give them away, or donate unopened bottles before picking up their sustainable alternatives. 


Let’s Start Cleaning

Now that you’ve got your products ready, it’s time to get cleaning! It’s best to start with tasks that apply to every room in your house:

o Wash the walls

o Dust your light fixtures

o Sweep or vacuum the floors – you could even shampoo your carpets

o Wipe down the baseboards and windowsills

o Clean your window treatments – blinds and curtains

With those out of the way, here’s a breakdown of the other rooms in your home:



o Wipe down your small appliances like microwave, coffee maker and toaster

o Empty your freezer and refrigerator and sort through food that has gone bad

o Clean the refrigerator shelves and drawers

o Get in behind your fridge for a deep clean

o Shop your pantry - pull out some hidden food gems to use in this week’s meal planning

o Wipe down your shelves and drawers

o Deep clean on your sink

o Clean your oven


Living Room

o Deep clean your sofa – vacuum, or deep clean as needed

o Empty any shelves or storage to clean and sort

o Wash your pillows and blankets

o Refresh your soft surfaces with a fabric spray (this eucalyptus spearmint spray is one of our favourites)



o Empty and organize drawers – grab some small electronics boxes to help with organization (remember, reuse before recycle!)

o Go through your closet – decide what fits, what you wear, and what you want. Here are some ideas for what to do with your ‘no’ and ‘maybe’ piles

o Wash all your bedding – even the pillows!

o Flip your mattress

o Make sure you check under your bed for any lost socks

o Set aside your old sheets and t-shirts for our textile donations!


o Sort through your drawers

o Take stock of your toiletries – maybe consider donating or replacing them once you’ve used them up (we know where you can find some great sustainable alternatives)

o Scrub the floors

o Wash your shower curtains and floor mats

o Scrub your shower and bathtub

o Wipe down and disinfect your toilet

o Clean your mirrors

What’s Next?

Now that you’ve finished cleaning your home, it’s time to take a look at everything in the declutter pile. This might include clothes, shoes, food, books, and more! Before you just toss these in the donation bin, let’s see what else we can do.


Check and see if you can:

o Repurpose. Maybe old fabrics can be turned into a warm quilt or your glass jars could be used at a local refillery.

o Repair. Pull out your sewing machine and stitch up that torn shirt, or replace that missing button.

o Regift. Stop and see if a friend or family member would read that book or use that puzzle.

o Trade. Instead of tossing, see if you can make a trade for something you’ll actually use. Check out our blog on Bunz to learn about how you can trade online.

o Recycle. A lot of items can actually be recycled instead of being thrown away. This means everything from contact lenses to old electronics. If you’re looking to recycle old clothing, check out our textile recycling program!

o Donate. This doesn’t just mean clothes; you can also donate toiletries and food to your local food bank and/or homeless shelter.

Remember, just because you don’t need it anymore, doesn’t mean you should just throw it out! You can give an item a new life instead of sending it to the landfill.

Plan for Next Year

Now that you're done your spring cleaning make a list of the most common items you decided to get rid of. Keep this list in mind next time you’re at the store so you don’t repurchase these items. Also consider talking to your friends and family about how you're on a zero waste journey and how they can support you. This means they can reduce unwanted gifts and avoid gifting you items packaged in plastic. This will help make next year’s clean-up that much easier!

Ready to get cleaning? Check out these green cleaning products before you begin!


Greener Gardening


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - In That Order!