Flosspot Biodegradable Dental Floss Review

Edited April 5, 2021 - original review written before opening the shop.

This dental floss isn’t cheap - in both price point ($10 to start) an quality. One spool last me quite a while -even flossing 2-3 times a day, I haven't seemed to make a dent in it. Another perk is its resilient packaging. I accidentally threw the glass pot across my bathroom and it was totally fine! I don’t recommend trying it because it may have been pure luck but I was very impressed. 

The floss itself is made from silk. It's the right thickness to move between your teeth and still collect the food there. Some of the floss from the dentist is so thin it doesn't work and just slices up your gums. So, major points to Floss Pot! It's also a great texture - keeps it from unraveling and slipping off your fingers. 

This product has become go to for me. I’ve also tried the Floss Pot Gold - made from corn fiber (so it’s vegan!) and found it’s also great. Both are completely biodegradable and come in either a mason jar or an aluminum dispenser. Once you have a dispenser then you can purchase floss refills. The packaging is a biodegradable cardboard box using only non-toxic inks and glues. You can now purchase them in the shop and at numerous health food and zero-waste stores across the country. KMH Touches is an Ontario based company and Floss Pot is a USDA certified bio-based product. You could say I’m pleased with my purchase.

A reminder: Just because something is biodegradable doesn’t do much good if you just throw it in the trash. If you have a community organics program, put it in your bin. If not, I’m not sure that your home compost is appropriate but that choice is up to you! You could always just bury it in some dirt in your backyard.

Have I convinced you? Give it a try!


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